Page:Calcutta Review (1925) Vol. 16.djvu/388

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nationhood. Unity of language is a great binding force. It means a common literature, a common vehicle to interpret thought and transmit the ideas, traditions, folk-lore, etc. It is one of the most important factors to build up a nation, yet a common language has not prevented its members to form separate nationalities. Unity of religion is also a factor, more so in old days, yet not a necessary factor in modern time. A common historical fate and development are potent factors but they must be coupled with other affinities if possible. A community of economic interest within the jurisdiction of other affinities is an important factor. A certain degree of mental homogeneity, native or acquired, is necessary.

Thus it is seen that the definition of nationality can’t be pinned down to a particular factor or to an universal definition. Leaving aside the legal definition of the term as applied by the political scientists and jurists, we see that various factors go to build up a nation, it is not scientific when one tries to arrive at a simple formula for the definition. The scientific definition of the same cannot do away with any of the factors mentioned above. Rather it seems that the factors necessary for the building of nationality are to be found covered by the combined definitions of Bauer and Cunow that a nation is based on the community of language and community of character grown out of the community of fate. But where the former two factors do not unite, is there no possibility to form a nation? We shall later see about it.

Thus so far for theoretical discussion on the definition; now let us apply it in India. It is said that India contains different racial elements within herself. This fact cannot be denied, but not in the sense as put by Herbert Risley for different biotypes are more or less common everywhere. The provinces or rather the linguistic areas are not shut up in water-tight compartments regarding the biotypes. By making a biometric analysis of Risley’s data it is to be seen that the dolichoid-mesorrhins (longskulled-middle form