Page:Calcutta Review (1925) Vol. 16.djvu/5

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The Price of Cotton-Goods in India in the 17th Century—Satischandra Sen, M.A. 273
Soft Thoughts (Poem)—Lily Strickland-Anderson, Calcutta
The Door of Auspicious Sight (A Description of the Frontispiece)—Abanindranath Tagore, C.I.E., D. Litt., Professor, Calcutta University ...
Asutosh and Chittaranjan: A Study—Nripendrachandra Banerjee, M.A. 282
Mood and Moment (Poem)—Mohinimohan Chatterji, M.A., B.L., Solicitor, Calcutta
To J. S. (Poem)—J. M. K. Makenzie, Rangoon
The Sikh Masands ‘Reply to the EE indi: san Banerjee, M.A., Lecturer, Calcutta University
The Ethics of Genius—Umeshchandra Bhattacharjee, M.A., Dacca University ... 293
Sonepur (Pictorial)
Civilization as seen by a Gne (An Allegory) Chi y Hwang Chu, New York

Economic Life in Ancient India: A Systematic Survey ; The Economic History of Ancient India]]—Ambujnath Banerjee 317
Isa Di Var—I. B.
Early History of the Spread of Buddhism and the Buddhist Schools—B. M. Barua
Our Critics—“Ajax” 323

Tagore Law Professorship:
Adharchandra Lectures
Jubilee Research Prize
Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt
Dacca University: Financial Grant
Professor Mahendranath Sircar ...
University of Mysore: The Navinam Ramanujacharya
Sanskrit Prize ... se ‘
New Regulations : Oxford aud Cambridge ..
Records of the Government of India .
Mahamaya Gold Medal T ned
M. L. Examination i Bis D K atl a
B. A. Examination
- B. Com. Examination . ihi
Preliminary Scientific M. B. Examination he
First M. B. Examination
Final M. B. Examination
L E. Examination
B. E. Examination