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In the 30th year of 漢武帝 Hàn-boó-tèy, B. C. 105, the people of 東越 Tong-wat slew 王餘善 Ông-ê-sëēn, and tendered their submission to the Government. In the preceding year, 王餘善 Ông-ê-sëēn had rebelled, and the Emperor sent his General 陽僕 Yâng-pok to subdue the country; after which he transplanted the people to the region between the 江 Kang and 淮 Hwaê rivers. The Emperor having considered that the country of 閩 Bân was full of dangerous defiles, and the people ever disposed to revolt, which would be likely to occasion endless trouble to future ages, resolved on completely removing the inhabitants to another region, leaving their own country desolate.

In the period of the 唐 Tông dynasty, in the 12th year of 宣宗 Swan-chong, A. D. 849, the Emperor appointed 于延陵 Ê-Yëên-lêng to be the ruler of 建州 Këên-chew. When Yëên-lêng came in to return thanks for the appointment, his Majesty asked, how far Keen-chew was from the Capital? Eight thousand lé, was the reply. Upon which the Emperor said, "As soon as you come thither, whether your government be good or bad, I shall be fully acquainted with it: do not say to yourself, it is far off, for ten thousand lé are as near to me as the steps of my throne. Do you know this?"

In the 5th year of 㦤宗 E-chong, A. D. 853, it is said that many of the eunuchs of the palace were natives of Hok-këēn, and had great influence at court.

In the 4th year of 僖宗 Hé-chong, A. D. 868, Hok-chew 福州 was taken by the rebel Hông-chaôn 黃巢(Wuîng-chaóu). In the 7th year of the same reign, A. D. 871, arose the rebel 王緒 Ông-sē: he was a native of 壽州 Sēw-chew, in the province of 江南 Kang-lâm, and by trade a butcher. Having collected a company of about 500 men, he seized upon the government of his native district; and about a month afterwards got possession of 光州 Kong-chew, when his adherents swelled to the number of 10,000. There was a magistrate of 固始 Koè-sé district, in the neighbourhood of 光州 Kong-chew, by the name of 王潮 Ông-teaôu, who, together with his younger brethren, 審知 Sím-te, and 審邽 Sím-kwuy, was alike distinguished for courage and spirit. 王緒 Ông-sē made this 王潮 Ông-teaôu his Lieutenant-General, and placed much confidence in him.

In the 11th year of 僖宗 Hé-chong, A. D. 875, 王緒 Ong-se took possession of 汀州 Theng-chew and 漳州 Chëang-chew, both in the province of 福建 Hok-këèn. About this time 秦宗權 Chin-Chong-kwán, who had been appointed by the Emperor to be Governor of 光州 Kong-chew, demanded the taxes due from that district; and 王緒 Ông-sē refusing to pay them, 宗權 Chong-kwân was enraged, and marched an army to attack him. Ông-sē, in his fright, collected the troops of both the 壽 Sēw and 光 Kong districts, about 5000 men, and crossing the river, seized upon the three districts of 江 Kang, 洪 Hong, and 慶 K'hëen, and the same month took possession of the two districts of 汀 T'heng and 漳 Chëang, but could not keep them long.

In the autumn of the same year, 王緒 Ông-sē came to 漳州 Cheang-chew, and because the road was dangerous and provisions scarce, gave orders throughout the army, that no one should be permitted to