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ions for the Census; Provisions for the Election of Delegates; Census Returns; Law Not Complied With; The Apportionment; Mr. Stanton's Speech; Governor Walker on ttie Eection in his Inaugural; Reasons Why Free State Men n't Contest the Election; Pro-Slavery Men Censure Walker; Extract from Richmond Papr; Free State Men Resplv.; not to contest the Election; State Legislature Convenes... 441-454


QUEST)ION OF VOTINGX FOR MEEMBERS (F TIlE LEGISLATURE-CODVeCiioln at: Topeka; Election; T he Li' Ewrfeco( Manicp!lI Govern.:;~Ptit; Q:ctio;J of c r' t, tf:i i be E le ction; l)ifleu i t es it The rWav; Apportionment; Decie. d Asi. iogt Free State Men; Grass. hopper rFall Counvlet'on; Reo F.rtions; The Delerate Coivention; Eiectiorn ResultsFr; Frudi; Kansas Judges... 455-464


LECOMPTON CONS TITUTI OAL CON VENTION —CG.tit1tioi il Convention )Oranizeid;.[n disntio T' owar's th, C)onvention; Framing the Con si ttion; Q aesti n f Subcitin It Xt to a Vote; Tts Features; Prov;siots for S:bmirt ino It to teh ie People; Objections3 to It; Fcree Stiate Mn R:i f'unse. to t3 Participath in Election iThe Misstau; Critical SitE.tSion cf Free S;ete Men; The I ri Thltfnl t a;ui r Go. err;o Walker at W'.. hi'i;t;tlo is.R1esini ttion; Extra Ss.iio,. of the LeIislature cIle'd; Ditficulties the Laiv sature could not Overcotie; Its Acit; RP'-mo'al ot Stan. ton and Apt )oirltmer, of General I. enver; Eection on Rat.iti cationr (r Rejection; Constitui.Dl in Cotn^rvs-irglish Bill; Covode In vesti atio..................................................... 465-481


LGTclr, ATUR ES-.Electior f Sr S te4 ()fticcirs; Democr tic ConVenn't;nn; L:~wrerce Co,:)':int'-on c)t ] ect:euleT 2,; Tba: oi' t;e 23d?; Lane's SPratie.e.' B olt', (Conventio;" Election Re. sulit; Memori-il to Co. s;Po Fi t S tat e ]jfgislature; Co11mu nication to tbo Teirritorial l=y:j;i l';,ture; Acti on of tlhe L ttter; TI e Former Adouro; Geierl Dn, v-r; retri Legislature Convenes; Board of Co'nm13sioner-; Failure of the Legislature. 482-494

CHAPTER XLV —1854-57.

'TR)UBLE, s JN S OUTHI E1ASTElIN KA2S.AS—F' sft Sttl lers; Cat. Jatm es MInntpg rie,; Frs!?t, Convi!'!'..rto)n; Se1c rr,;,v Con vir ALtion; First Eiiectioiu; Apparacn. of Armed'or'c'; G-rievnceis; i'he (htri-t.ian \iWairi(o; Terrifies:h3 Enems; A ttacks Davis; Raid in \Mi'ocri; A 8(cond iaid; Retitres; Pro 7 Iavery Men I)r11i D'g the IV r'; L State Emi ra ts; C ai rn. [)i'.i uities; The Fort Scolt, Cou i; Provocatuiois; Fre-e Si'ate Court;.Attetpt to Arrest It; Reinforcements3; lnie's Report..........................4.5 495-510


TROUBLES ITN S;OTHI-EASTIERN KANSAS —Contined —Frt, Scott Entored; Di)ivintP Pro-Slavery I1en; C.aptaiu Stew.'ar;; Thievin;g Poiiicy of:nt4citgoery; End of th, Wicked; fetaaliationu F':e State Men Alarmed; Spics ini Secret Societies; Hamil. ton's Plan; Account of Hamiltou; Montgomery Seeks to