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pirogue to return to the barge. Then Black Buffalo and Partisan, and the warriors Wah-zing-go and Second Bear ran after, through the water, and climbed aboard, to go on the barge also.

"Rather a close shave, Will," remarked Captain Lewis. "An instant more and I'd have helped you out with a round of grape."

"They wished to try our metal," smiled Captain Clark.

"We were afraid the white chiefs would go on and not stop at our village to show our squaws and boys the great father's boats," alleged Chief Black Buffalo.

"Tell him we are willing to be friends, and will stop," directed Captain Lewis. "The soldiers of the great father do not fear the Sioux."

"If head chief he not tell dat raven soldier to let go mast, he hang on till cut in leetle pieces," was saying Cruzatte.

In the morning the boats were moved up to the village, and Captain Lewis went ashore. Truly, the Red Head and the slim Captain Lewis were brave men. Peter was proud to have been by Captain Clark's side, in the fracas. It was fine to be a United States.

When Captain Lewis returned on board, he told Captain Clark that everything was all right, and that the Tetons were waiting for the Red Head.

"You're a bigger man than I am, Will, after the stand you made yesterday," he laughed.

And it seemed to be that way, for when Captain