Page:California Digital Library (IA openingwestwithl00sabirich).pdf/128

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"Where's Chaboneau?" demanded Sergeant Ordway. "Here, Toussaint! What's he saying?"

"Hi!" called back Chaboneau, with lifted hand. And listened to the answer. "He say he have somet'ing ver' important to tell to ze Long Knife an' ze Red Head. He want to come over."

The Indian crossed on the ice. The sergeant and Chaboneau accompanied him to the headquarters cabin at the head of the street. The Indian was not closeted there very long. Out from the cabin bustled Sergeant Ordway again, and hastened down to the barge.

"Oh, Gass! Here—you're to take twenty men, Pat, and go with Captain Clark. See that they're well armed, and in marching order. The captain means business."

"That I will," replied Pat, dropping his armful of supplies. "B' gorry, I hope it's a bit of a fight."

"What's up, John?" queried half a dozen voices.

"The Sioux have tried to wipe out a party of Mandans, down to the southwest, and Big White's afraid the village is going to be attacked. So now's the time for us to help Big White and show these Mandans our hearts are good.

"Hooray!" cheered Pat. "All right."

Out from the headquarters cabin strode Captain Clark, in his furs, and buckling his sword about his waist outside of his buffalo overcoat. Usually he did not wear his sword. He was known as the Red Head.