Page:California Digital Library (IA openingwestwithl00sabirich).pdf/233

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"Drouillard," spoke Captain Lewis, "we must have another canoe. These Indians down here won't sell us any. Try what you can do up the river."

It was the middle of March. The captains had intended to wait until at least the first of April, before starting on the back trail, so as not to arrive at the mountains until June. Then the snows would have melted, and there would be game. But meat already was extremely scarce around Fort Clatsop; the expedition would better start at once, and hunt along the way.

"I try de Cath-lam-et—dey haf canoes," answered Drouillard. "But dey will hol' dem dear. I t'ink I must take de best t'ings we haf. Mebbe you let me take your lace coat, capitaine?"

"What! My only dress uniform?" exclaimed Captain Lewis. "Why not that artillery coat?"

"But that's mine!" laughed Captain Clark.

"One day a Cath-lam-et see your lace coat an' like it. I sure I get canoe for it," persisted Drouillard.

"All right," sighed Captain Lewis. "Another canoe we must have. I'll hold councils in my leather clothes."

So the canny Drouillard, who was half Indian him-