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little Bird-woman. "But we will be pleased to give him something else."

"Yellept say he take what you gif." interpreted Sa-ca-ja-we-a.

"He's a fine fellow. You'll have to give him your sword, Will," suggested Captain Lewis. "He's been wanting it, you know."

"All right. Believe I'll do it. I couldn't transfer it to better hands," quoth Captain Clark. "That's the last of my official garb, Merne—and you haven't much left yourself!"

Chief Yellept's eyes shone as he accepted the prized "long knife"; and shone again when to it were added powder and a hundred bullets for his gun. Now he was a big chief, indeed.

The Bird-woman had spread the word that the white chiefs were great workers in medicine: with their magic box and their wonderful knowledge they healed all sicknesses. Now to Captain Clark and Captain Lewis the Walla Wallas brought broken arms, stiff knees, and sore eyes, for treatment. The captains did their best.

Not until the second morning, following a grand dance by the Indians, at the camp, might the expedition start onward. Chief Yellept had informed them of a short cut, across country, from the mouth of the Walla Walla River to the Pierced Nose country at the Kooskooskee; a Skilloot, who had been guiding the expedition by land, said that he knew the trail, and a