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horses. All those you see on these plains belong to me and my people. Take what you need for food."

"Niver before did we have the Injuns offer us somethin' for nothin'," gasped Patrick Gass. "At laste, niver before were we told to go help ourselves!"

"The Walla Wallas were as obliging. Don't forget the Walla Wallas, and Yellept," reminded George Shannon.

Two weeks were spent near the big house of the Broken-arm, for whom another name was Black Eagle. Captain Clark was appointed official doctor; he had fifty patients at a time. Captain Lewis held a council, and told the warriors about the United States. They promised to make peace with the Sho-sho-nes. Labiche killed a bear.

"These are great hunters. They kill the bear, alone," exclaimed the Pierced Noses.

Hunters were sent out every day, to get bear, and deer, and elk—whatever they could. The other men were sent out to trade for roots and fish.

Little Toussaint grew better. William Bratton could not walk, but he was put into a hut of boughs and blankets built over a hole in which there had been a fire. Water was sprinkled into the hole. The hot steam soaked William through and through. He was then plunged into cold water, and sweated again in the hut. This was Indian treatment, not white man's. And it cured Bratton, after even Doctor Red Head had failed.