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still, to show him the shortest route along the Road-to-the-Buffalo. Before they quit, in order to look for their friends the Oo-tla-shoots or Flat-heads, the captain gave them presents of meat, and exchanged names with the leader, who was a young chief.

The young chief was henceforth to be known as the Long Knife, and Captain Lewis was to be known as Yo-me-kol-lick, or White Bear-skin Unfolded.

It proved to be only nine days' travel to the White-*bear Islands camp at the head of the Falls of the Missouri, and during all the way not an Indian was sighted, although fresh sign was discovered—"Blackfeet!" asserted Drouillard. "De Gros-ventres of de Prairie."

"Those Big-bellies must be bad Injuns, I'm thinkin', by the way everywan's afraid of 'em," said Pat.

"Very bad," asserted Peter. For even the Otoes of the south feared the northern "Gros-ventres" as much as they did the Sioux.

There had been plenty of buffalo, bellowing all the nights; but there had been a tremendous amount of mosquitoes, too, which bit so that even the little black dog howled with pain.

Now, here at the old camp were the "white bears," as pugnacious as before. One treed Hugh McNeal and kept him treed near half a day, after Hugh had broken his gun over the bear's head.

Nobody had disturbed the articles that had been left here last summer. Some things had spoiled from