Page:California Digital Library (IA openingwestwithl00sabirich).pdf/262

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jump. Reub had yelled—and there was an Injun runnin' off with my gun and his, and Reub in chase. Drouillard was up and yellin', too—'Let go my gun! Let go my gun!' he bawled, and I see him wrestlin' with another Injun, and the cap'n aimin' at another with his pistol. But I had to have my gun, so I ran after Reub and the fust Injun. Before I got there, Reub had caught him and knifed him, and had both guns. Drouillard had his gun by this time, and all the Injuns came pourin' out of the lodge, makin' for the hosses, with the cap'n and his pistol followin' the third Injun.

"We drew a bead on the fellow, but he dropped the cap'n's gun, and the cap'n wouldn't let us shoot. 'Look out for those other rascals!' he ordered. 'They're trying to drive off the hosses!' So Reub and Drouillard and I ran after six who were roundin' up the most of the hosses; and the cap'n set out after his Injun and another who were drivin' away a bunch. He made 'em leave twelve, but they kept on, with his hoss, and that he was bound to get. He didn't have his bullet pouch or his hat; and when they were just 'bout to disappear in a little gully he told 'em to surrender the hoss or he'd fire. With that they turned on him, and fire he did, downin' one of 'em slick as a whistle, but the fellow had life enough to fire back an' sent a ball through the cap'n's ha'r.

"The cap'n had only his pistol, now, so he quit, and the other Injun made off with the hoss. Drouil-