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"Well, Peter, would you like to go to the Otoes again? Are you tired of being white?"

"No, please," begged Peter. He had been afraid of this—afraid that he would be sent to the Otoes. "I want to go to St. Louis, please."

"Go you shall," assured the captain. "Go you shall, Peter, and I'll attend to you myself."

Hooray! But, reflected Peter, supposing that Chief Little Thief should appear before they started on. However, no Chief Little Thief, or other of the Otoes and Missouris did appear.

More white traders were encountered. On August 12 there hove in sight two pirogues; aboard them were none other than Trader Gravelines himself, and old Pierre Dorion! Mr. Gravelines said that he had taken Chief Brave Raven, of the Arikaras, clear to Washington, and that the chief had seen the President, but had died just when about to return home. Now Mr. Gravelines was going up to the Arikaras with the President's words, and with presents. Old Pierre Dorion was on his way to the Yankton Sioux again, hoping to get six more of them and take them to Washington.

"The United States has given all you people up for lost," declared Trader Gravelines. "Nothing has been heard from you since you left Fort Mandan. The President and everybody are very anxious. We were asked to inquire about you, among the Indians."

"Faith, an' our welcome 'll be the more hearty," asserted Sergeant Pat, to his fellows.