Page:California Digital Library (IA openingwestwithl00sabirich).pdf/71

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The hour was early when Pat stuck his head over the partition, and to Peter said: "Whisht! Are ye awake, Peter?"

"H'lo," answered Peter.

"I'll fetch ye a bite to eat, an' wather to drink," said Patrick. "An' ye best lie hid till we start, when the Injuns go. 'Twon't be long."

"Aw-right," answered Peter.

Patrick passed in to him some dried meat and a canteen of water. After that the day seemed to move very slowly. Here on the boat all was quiet, particularly in Peter's end. However, outside on the shore there was a constant sound of voices, from the 'Nited States camp.

The sun rose high, as betokened by the close warmth where Peter lay hidden. He felt as though he must get out and see what was going on. So he peered over the top of the partition, to find whether the forecastle was empty. It was. He slipped down into it, and stealing through and worming flat across the deck, peeped through a crack in the gunwale.

Little Thief and his Otoes and Missouris had not yet gone. They were holding another council with the 'Nited States. More talk! The 'Nited States chiefs