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John Work of the Hudson's Bay Company

17. The children of John and Josette Work were:

Jane, born at Fort Colville, December 25, 1827; married William F. Tolmie, Victoria, February 19, 1850.

Sarah, born at Fort Colville, November 1829; married Roderick Finlayson, Victoria, December 14, 1849.

Letitia, born in Idaho in summer of 1831, probably in June; married Edward Huggins, October 21, 1857.

Margaret, born at Fort Vancouver, September 15, 1836; married Edward Jackson, Victoria, February 5, 1861.

Mary, born at Fort Simpson, January or February 1837; married James A. Graham, Victoria, September 5, i860.

Catherine (Kate), born at Fort Simpson; married Charles W. Wallace, Victoria, February 5, 1861.

John, born at Fort Simpson, 1839.

Josette, born at Victoria, 1843; married E. Prior, January 30, 1878.

David, born at Fort Simpson, June 1846.

Cecelia, born at Fort Simpson, June 1849; married Charles Jones, Victoria, October 12, 1870.

Henry, born at Fort Simpson, 1844 or 1845; died young, in an accident.

Sources: Materials in the Archives of British Columbia, Provincial Library, Victoria, B. C; the Huntington Library, San Marino, California; and the Oregon Historical Society, Portland, Oregon; also statements of Dr. Joseph Huggins, and Miss Etta [Josette] Tolmie.

18. John Tod to Edward Ermatinger, New Caledonia, February 18, 1830, Edward Ermatinger Papers, 1826-1874 (photostats. Archives of British Columbia, Provincial Library, Victoria, B. C.)

19. Same to same. New Caledonia, April 10, 1831, ibid.

20. William Stanley Lewis and Paul Chrisler Phillips, eds., The Journal of John Work, a Chief Trader of the Hudson's Bay Co., during His Expedition from Vancouver to the Flatheads and Blackfeet of the Pacific Northwest . . . and Life of Work, (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1923), p. 176.

21. Ibid., p. 181.

22. John Work to Edward Ermatinger, Fort Vancouver, February 24, 1834, Washington Historical Quarterly, II (January 1908), 163-64.

23. "Bring Work's family down if he has so directed." John McLoughlin, Fort Vancouver, to McGillivray, at Fort Colville, 1832, no month, no date but context indicates summer (copy in Archives of British Columbia, B223 b8).

24. List of sick people on Work's California expedition, 1832-33 (MS in Archives of British Columbia, Provincial Library, Victoria, B. C.).

25. Tod to Ermatinger, Cowlitz Plain, February 1840, Letters to Edward Ermatinger, January 2, 1828, to November 14, 1856 (bound photostats. Archives of British Columbia, Victoria).

26. Same to same. New Caledonia, March 18, 1842, ibid.

27. Same to same, Thompson's River, no month, 1844, ibid.

28. See Note 10.

29. Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of British Columbia (San Francisco, 1887), p. 346.

30. Information from Pioneer files in Provincial Library, Victoria, British Columbia.

31. Tod to Ermatinger, Letters to Edward Ermatinger.

32. Same to same, December 23, 1861, ibid.

33. N. de Bertrand Lugrin (edited by John Hosie), The Pioneer Women of Vancouver Island, 1843-1866 (Victoria, B. C., 1928), p. 61.