Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/131

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England enterprise no prety fenses round their houses and they lack a finish so it looks to me. We started up the mighty Missippi the water was more mudy than the Ohio this afternoon we saw a large island covered with wild geese all the rifles on board were soon in requisition but to no purpose as we did not come near enough the men on board seemed to en- joy murdering the ducks as we passed near a cove.

Apr 27' This morning by the recommendation of our Dr quite a number of us went down to the Wheel house for the purpose of getting a shower Bath from the spray of the wheel it was a good idea as was prooved by our feelings during the day after While I passed in the Wheel house Brother Freds dog Carlo thinking (to all appearance) I had gone overboard jumped over and was soon far in the rear we saw him head for the shore and Brother Fred and I got set on shore to go back and search for him this was 7 miles below St. Mary's Landing on the Misouri side we started through the timbered bottoms we searched in vain for him it was accessive hot and having nothing to eat it was a luxury to find a log cabin where we got a little corn bread and butter-milk after eating a lunch we started up the banks of the river for the landing in the bottom lands water stands in little pools and on pasing through the Musquitoes would arris in swarms and com- mence their work of drawing blod in hot haste they were as bad as some of the Dr's in times past We hailed two steamboats in the afternoon they were New Orleans boats and asked us 5 dolls to take us up to St Louis it was only 60 miles and our fare from Cincinnati to that place was only $4. We concluded to stay in the landing and take a smaler boat we put up at a tavern such as is common out here and had another opportunity to ob- serve western maners

Apr 28 We took passage up the river in the Oriental an infirm boat at $3. and arrived in St Louis at 4 A. M. on the 29 at light we went in serch of our party. We found them on board the steamer Bay State and nearly ready to move up the river to Independance. here they bought the provisions for our overland consumption and hurried on, on account of the report that the cholera being quite prevelent there was four cases on the boat that arrived the day before St. Louis is a large place and is destined to be the great point for emigrants to start from here they can purchase provisions cheap and a general out fit for a good deal less money than at Independance. This being Sunday we thought best to have a meeting there being a minister with the Granite State Company we invited him to preach and it was a pleas- ant sight to see me[n] from all parts of the Union come to gather in the Cabin and worship alike one God^ We made good headway up the river

Monday 50^^ Today we have moved on well occasionally getting aground on the shoales this river is full of these places and requires the best of pilots to get a large boat up to St. Joseph the destination of our boat

May I St Nothing of note has occured today We have learned there is a