Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/138

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we saw one deer and several wild turkeys Mr Evens [Benjamin C. Evans] was taken sick today with diarea

Monday June 1 1 '45) We had a hard shower this morning set a tire to one of our wheels and started at 1 1 oclock we have traveled today on the banks of the Blue plenty of wood nothing of note today. We camped near the party we traveled with yesterday distance 1 2 miles

June 12 Today we have traveled on the bottom of the Blue the country grows more level as we advance this morning a fine wild turkey ran across the road and the Virginia party saw two antelopes we camped on the blue Evans is quite sick tonight with diarea

Wednesday June 75 Last night we had a hard rain which makes the road bad today we broke a pole in the mudhole we camped early dis- tance 1 2 miles

June 14 Today we left the Blue with regret passed up on a table lands I saw a fine deer and followed him a mile but no use they can see all about them on these plains we camped off the main road Vi mile good grass but no wood or water this evening we broke an axle tree to one of our best waggons in a bad crossing vexing to keep stoping to mend wag- gons we noticed a new kind of flower today but not being a botanist could not give it a name it was a deep orange distance traveled today 20 miles

Friday June if This morning was spent in putting in the axle tree we got started at 10 oclock after traveling three hours we came in sight of the Platte River we stoped to bait while here a guide to a Washington City party came up we invited him to dine with us and gathered such information as we could about the route he said we were some 15 miles from Fort Kearny^ a new one haveing been built in a year or two we camped within 5 miles of the fort this is in the Pawnee Teretory we have not seen one yet they keep off the main road on account of the great number passing

Saturday June 1 6 This morning we moved up to the fort it is made of turf with the acception of one frame house under erection there is two companys of infantry one of dragoons stationed here to protect emigrants and keep Indians straight there is a boarding house kept here The Of- ficers board there and we availed ourselves of the opportunity to get a good diner once more it was equal to any "Fremont" diner in Boston to us

June I'l Sunday Mr Evans is quite smart and we stop here to keep Sun- day this morning the Washington city came up and also a German com- pany we left back aparty of five one waggon wants to join us has been traveling with the Washington company but there is two much quarreling in it to suit them three brothers by the name of Rohrer one Simmons one Morford We have given them permission to travel a day or two to see how we like each other this evening we had a meeting prayers were