Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/148

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noon and baited our mules on corn we had with us the road has been much harder today than usual we arrived at sunset on our camp ground on the banks of the little Sandy a fine stream 1 5 ft wide cold Water comeing right from the Mountains no grass and little wood distance 25 miles

Saturday 28th 4^ This morning we were off before sunrise We arrived on the Banks of the Big Sandy eight miles from the Little found good grass grazed our mules till noon While here we shot several sage hens and hares furnishing us meat for a soup today we have passed several large trains of ox teems we find on this the Mormon Road better travel- ing than we expected the wind has been verry strong today and cold so much so that an overcoat is not uncomfortable We camped tonight on the Big Sandy 2 5 miles from our last camp and ten miles to the Color ad or green river ^^

Sunday July 29th We determined to move on to the Green river to find better grass We arrived river at Eleven oclock found it hard to ford hired a Mormon to ferry us over at $2. a wagon this is a beautifull stream 200 yards wide swift current and clear water we moved down the river four miles and camped on its banks good grass and plenty of timber and is a great relief to the barron country we have passed over since we left the Platte

At the ferry we came up with Captain Duncan who left us three days be- fore he found his four deserters at this place poor fellows they are to be pitied distance 1 3 miles

Monday July ^oth This morning for three miles our road lay along the banks of the Green River and after traveling over a barron country for a month such a change as this is a great relief the banks are well wooded and the green lawns present a most grattifying picture After leaving the river we struck over the bluffs and for 1 7 miles the country is more roling than a few days back we struck a fine stream Black fk We passed on after wattering and camped four miles beyond on Maders creek good grass no wood but willows distance 25 miles While we were haveing our nooning a most brutal affair took place between two of our members "White and Ayer" it commenced by White pushing Ayer and kicking him in return Ayer threw a hatchet he held in his hand at the time it struck White on the thy and cut a gash four inches long quite deep men get cross sometimes on this trip and haveing all restraint thrown off they act rash I hope we shall not have another case of assault it lowers us in the eyes of other Companies and ourselves

July ^ist We moved early crossed the creek we camped on pased over a more roling country this forenoon we met the Mormon express going back to the states^^ they informed us that considerable of the gold from Cal had arrived at the settlement we learned that we could get vege-