Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/184

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California Historical Society Quarterly
Name of Vessel Type Captain Date sailed or Cleared from San Fransico
1872 (continued)
Newbem Steamer McDonough Sailed May 11
J. B. Ford Brig Weeks Sailed June 12
Alice Haake Schooner Eggeret sailed June 19
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed July 1
Isabel Schooner Pierson Sailed July 18
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed August 3
Josephine Brig Weeks Sailed Septemeber 1
J.B.Ford Brig Bean Sialed September 11
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed October 20
Fannie Hare Schooner Christian Sailed November 27
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed January 4
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed March 15
Curlew Brig Hogthorp Sailed March 25
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed April 23
Fannie Hare Schooner Jones Sailed April 26
Newbern Steamer McDonough Sailed June 14
J.B.Ford Brig Weeks Sailed July 3

Thereafter the Newbern, Captain McDonough, sailed from San Francisco on July 24, August 30, October 4, November 15, and December 28, 1873, and the steamer Montana, Captain Metzger, on October 25 (her first voyage) and December 6. During 1874 and 1875 the Montana and Newbern each sailed from San Francisco seven times a year, and the sloop Colorado, Captain Boise, sailed on October 20, 1875. The Newbern made nine trips and the Montana eight in 1876; and in 1877 the Idaho, Captain Douglass, sailed on January 23 and March 15, and the Newbern on February 16, April 4, and May 16.