Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/193

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News of the Society


"Irish Leaders in Early California" was the topic of an address by Judge Thomas F. Prendergast at the March meeting of the California Historical Society — held on Tuesday, March 14, in the Comstock Room, Palace Hotel, San Francisco, with sixty members in attendance.

Judge Prendergast, who is the author of the recent book. Forgotten Pioneers, traced the influence and activity of Irishmen in California affairs, from the years of the Spanish regime down to recent times. Many prominent Irish families which settled early in San Francisco, the Santa Clara Valley, and Santa Barbara were noticed particularly, with reference to individuals who were outstanding in the pioneer days of California.

"The Adobe Houses of California" was the subject of the address by Mrs. Helen S. Giffen at the luncheon meeting on Tuesday, April 27, in the Com- stock Room of the Palace Hotel. Mrs. Giffen, a member of the Society and an authority on early California houses, graciously substituted for Hilde- garde Hawthorne, the scheduled speaker, who was unable to be present because of illness. Mrs. Giffen limited her subject to some of the more out- standing adobes in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Shasta, Tehama, and Monterey counties, giving colorful anecdotes relating to their careers as well as valuable historical data. After the meeting she displayed many photographs of the adobes described and answered ques- tions regarding them. Fifty-two members and guests were present at the meeting.

Dr. Milton H. Shutes spoke on "Lincoln's California Contacts" before the meeting of the California Historical Society on Tuesday, May 1 8. Author of the recent book, Lincoln and California, Dr. Shutes presented some of the outstanding results of his research, in a most interesting manner. Much of the material was new, or little known. Special attention was devoted to four of Lincoln's commanders in the Union Army— Generals Fremont, Halleck, Hooker and Sherman— who had close association with California in years before the Civil War.

The meeting, at which forty-four members and guests were present, was held in the Comstock Room, Palace Hotel, San Francisco.


The date of the Annual Meeting was erroneously given in the March issue of this Quarterly as January 29, whereas the meeting was actually held on January 22.