Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/199

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From MR. FRANCIS P. FARQUHAR-Driggs, Howard R., Westward America, New York: American Pioneer Trails Association, 1942; Farquhar, Francis P., A Brief Chronology of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean from Balboa to Capt. Cook's First Voy- age, 1S03-1770, San Francisco: [priv. prtd.], 1943; idem, The Famous Chinese Navigator Hee-Li, reprtd. from The American Neptune, Vol. Ill, No. i, 1943.

From MR. F. N. FLETCHER-Nevada State Historical Society, Biennial Reports, 1907-12, Carson City, Nevada, 1909-13; idem., Papers, 1913-26, Carson City, Nevada, 1917-26.

From MRS. HELEN S. GIFFEN-Giffen, Guy J., California Gold, n.d.; Giffen, Helen S., and Woodward, Arthur, The Story of El Tejon, Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1942.

From GHOST TOWN NEWS-Wilson, Nichols Field, California Business Roll of Honor . . . [Buena Park, California] : Ghost Town News, 1943.

From INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SAN FRANCISCO- [Haviland, Flo- rence E.], Lives Make America's Destiny . . . [1942], 2 vols.

From A. T. LEONARD, JR., M. D.-Devens, R. M., Our First Century . . . Spring- field, Mass., 1882; Hamill, John, The Strange Career of Mr. Hoover Under Two Flags, New York: William Faro, Inc., 193 1.

From NORWEGIAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION-Norwgi^- American Studies and Records, Vol. XIII, Northfield, Minn.: Norwegian-American His- torical Association, 1943.

From MR. NAT SCHMULOWITZ-Schmulowitz, Nat, The Nazi Joke Courts, San Francisco: priv. prtd., 1943.

From MR. EMORY E. SMITH— Midwinter International Exposition, The Official History of the California Midwinter International Exposition . . . San Francisco, 1894.

From STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI-Shoemaker, Floyd C, ed., Missouri Day by Day, Vol. I [Columbia, Mo.] : State Historical Society of Missouri, 1942.

From MR. ARCHIBALD TREAT-The White House Gallery of Official Portraits of the Presidents, New York and Washington: Gravure Company of America, 1908.

From MR. HENRY R. WAGNER-Jerrett, Herman Daniel, California's El Dorado Yesterday and Today, Sacramento, 191 5; Morse, Salmi, The Passion: A Miracle Play in Ten Acts, San Francisco, 1879; Shay, John C, Twenty Years in the Backwoods of Cali- fornia, Boston: The Roxburgh Publishing Co., Inc. [1923].

From MRS. FRANCIS WILLIAMS-DeVoto, Bernard, The Year of Decision, 1846, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1943.

From MRS. WILLIAM A. WOOD - Wood, Ellen Lamont, George Yount, the Kindly Host of Caymus Rancho, San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1941.

From MISS LOTTIE G. WOODS-Baillie-Grohman, William A., Camps in the Rockies . . . London, 1882; San Francisco Illustrated . . . , Oakland, Calif., n.d.; The Golden Butterfly, a Novel, New York, n.d., and others.

CERTIFICATES AND MANUSCRIPTS From MISS FRANCES M. MOLERA-Certificates and diploma issued to Eusebius J. Molera by: Mercantile Library Association, January 27, 1893; California Academy of Sciences, May 19, 1873; American Society of Civil Engineers, October 6, 1904.

From MR. WILLIAM D. PAGE— Letter written by Charles Darwin August 25, 1877, acknowledging his membership in the "State Geological Society."

MAGAZINES From MR. ALLEN L. CHICKERING-The Garden Club of America Bulletin, No. 6, 8th series (December 1942), containing his article on "A Professional Man's Experience in Growing Wild Flowers."