Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/206

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Saturday 2^ Sultry warm weather. Hired a horse from the Indians

and came ahead of the boats to Fort Nezperces.^^

Sunday 26 ... The boats reached the fort early in the morning.

The people employed during the day taking their property to the camp a little distance off at the little river.

Monday 27 ... The men employed themselves with their families.

Tuesday 28 Showery during the day. Had everything arranged to

deliver the provisions to the people. Several of the men & some boys taken ill. Some with the fever & some with a cold which is very prevalent about the place and seems to be infectious.

Wednesday 2^ Fine warm weather. Employed the most of the day

delivering the people their provisions. Several of the people continued ill. A. Longtain had recovered a little but has again relapsed, C. Groslui's boy has also got worse. Three were attacked with the fever during last night and today L. Boisvant, T. Tevatcon, Bte. Gardipie, J. Dorland's boy, & L. Ron- deau's little girl, a child.

Thursday 50 ... Delivered the people hand axes, leather lodges,

&c. The sick still continue ill, notwithstanding the application of medicine. In addition to the fever a severe cold prevails among the people.

Friday 5/ ... Delivered the people the remainder of their assets,

&c. The sick men continue ill, two men, are taken ill a boy N. Finlay and L. Rondeau's wife.

Sept. 18^2, Saturday i ... Delivered the people their horses. The

boy N. Finlay nearly bled to death at the nose and mouth. Another of the men C. Rondeau taken ill with the fever. J. Toupin who had recovered a little relapsed & is very ill. Two of our horses strayed & have not been found.

Sunday 2 Sultry warm weather. Some of the sick getting a little

better, but two more men L. Quintall, J. S. LaRocque & C. Plant's wife are taken ill. So many of the people being thus taken with the fever, is of serious consequence. Last year not a man of the party, tho' we were here about this time, took it after we arrived here except an Indian boy, and the most of those who were ill recovered during our stay here, this year it is different, the people are taken ill daily since our arrival here, this is a thing I by no means expected, and might have had the people off two or three days ago but delayed purposely expecting that those who were worst would get bet- ter and be more able for the voyage. There are now ten men and some women & boys ill with it less or more. Though I was well supplied with medicines at Vancouver, (but) there is such a heavy demand upon it that it will soon be all done at this rate.

Monday 5 ... The people moved camp to below the rock^^ where

they will have a little better feeding for the horses. Some of the people still very ill, exposed to the weather as they are here and not being able to remain quiet, the medicine operates with less effect than it would otherwise do, and