Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/211

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traps to the plain of the lake.^° They saw smoke in different directions, the Indians have kindled fires to spread the news that we are coming. 20 beaver taken. F. Champaigne, N. Finlay a boy & L. Rondeau's wife are again taken ill with the fever, they had recovered and appeared quite well, but went in the water and have relapsed again. Some more of the people with them a few days back also relapsed but are recovering.

Sunday 50 Raw cold weather. Raised camp and cut across a point

of rugged stony hills and again fell upon the river in the plain 5 Yz hours 1 8 miles S.,^^ 14 beaver & one otter taken, a trap stolen by the Indians, one of the men L. Pichette saw two Snake Indians on horseback, but did not approach them as there were several others afoot at no great distance, though they appeared friendly & invited him across a small river to change horses with them, but as they were armed with bows and axes [arros? ] & he only having a boy with him he did not like to trust them. There is smoke to be seen in different directions towards the lake and in the mountains. These are very treacherous barbarous Indians & though few of them are armed with guns, we require to be much on our guard among them. The men are directed to be particularly careful when out hunting & never to go less than two together lest they be surprised.

October 18^2, Monday i Raw cold weather. Did not raise camp in

order to allow the horses to feed as there is good grass here. Our sick people are also ill able to move. F. Champaign is very ill, and L. Rondeau's wife is not expected to live over the night. The people were out with their traps but the marks of beaver are scarce. The river below has been lately overrun by fire. Only 4 beaver and an otter taken.

Tuesday 2 Raw cold weather. Rained during the afternoon. Did

not raise camp on account of the sick people. F. Champaign & Rondeau's wife are a little better, but another of the men J. Toupin, was again taken with the fever and had a shaking fit this is the third time this man has relapsed, if ever those who have been ill wet themselves they fall ill again. The people again out with their traps, only two beaver taken. Several of the people out hunting. Peevish killed a small antelope. Some of the people were out yesterday also hunting antelopes but without success. Peevish's gun burst and though he providentially escaped unhurt he was very near losing his arm. Some Snake Indians are lurking about us but will not approach the camp during the day. One of the men T. Tevatcon met two of them but he could not prevail upon them to come to the camp.

Wednesday 5 Cold stormy showery weather. Did not raise camp,

partly on account of the sick people and partly on account of the bad weather. The people out with their traps, only one beaver taken.

Thursday ^ Sharp frost in the morning, cold weather during the

day. Raised camp and proceeded 4 hours 13 miles S.E. down the river