Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/214

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in hopes of finding a river by which the waters of all these lakes were dis- charged but without success. On passing a rocky ravine which we saw yes- terday another valley with a continued chain of lakes & swamps continued as far as the eye could reach in a Southerly direction. It was long after dark when we returned to the camp. Some of the people were out hunting. L. Kanota killed a sheep. One of the men Bte. Gardipie was going off to the hills to hunt sheep about lo Oclock in the morning, on approaching the rocks at the bottom of the hill 7 Indians were concealed behind a large stone among the long grass he did not perceive them until he was close too [them] when they immediately started up and discharged their arrows at him two of which passed through his capot and two struck the horse one of which wounded him mortally he was fortunate in getting out of the road

where he fired at them but unfortunately missed and seeing some of the people coming to his aid they fled into the rocks where they could not be found. This happened within sight and even within cry of the camp. The villains could have no other motive but to possess themselves of his horse, arms and clothes. It was only this morning I had given orders to the people that should they fall in with any of the natives to use them kindly and endeavour to bring them to camp so that we might get information from them. It will be difficult to keep some of the people on any terms with these men.

Monday 75 Stormy weather. Raised camp and proceeded W. 7

miles 2 hours across the valley, to a small lake of good water. It is probable we would find a shorter road by proceeding S. down the valley, but not being sure of the road & little likelihood of any beaver being found we were induced to take the old track which is known & where we are sure to find water.

Tuesday 16 Stormy cold weather. Continued our journey SVz

hours 20 miles W.S.W. to Salt Lake. ^^ No water to be found here. This was a most fatiguing day both on men and horses particularly the horses, the greater part of the road was very stony which has rendered several of them lame. We found good water in a small spring at the side of the lake.

Wednesday 77 Rain & snow showers in the night, stormy cold

weather during the day. Did not raise camp in order to allow the horses to feed and repose after their hard day's work yesterday.

Thursday 18 Stormy with snow and rain in the night, sharp frost

in the morning. Raised camp and proceeded round the end of the lake 7 miles W.*^ The people out hunting & killed some hares & few wild fowl, some antelopes were also seen. The station which we left this morning seems to be a usual encampment of the Indians. At some seasons they probably kill a good many sheep & other animals as the spoils of them remain about the place. There are not many wild fowl about the lake.

Friday ig Stormy rather cold weather. Continued our journey 5