Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/219

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ceeded 5 miles up the river to another small plain at the foot of the moun- tains where we encamped^^ it would have been too long to cross the moun- tains with our poor lame horses. The young men were again off hunting but without success there are a few tracks of deer, but they are very shy.

Tuesday 1^ Fine weather, but rather cold in the Mountain. Crossed

the Mountain a distance of 1 5 miles S. by W.°* and encamped on the decliv- ity of its S. side, among oak, pine & other trees at a small creek. Our road hilly but not many stones, lay through thick woods principally pines on the mountain, some of them very large, but as we begin to descend there is a considerable mixture of oak*^^ and other trees. J. Favel killed 2 Deer, the other hunters were unsuccessful. This was a fatiguing day both on horses and people. Set our horses loose as there is no appearance of Indians and those on this side of the mountains are represented to be well disposed. The party whose tracks we saw two days ago had encamped here, they had 6 pieces^^.

Wednesday 14 Fine weather. The climate appears quite changed

as we descend. Continued our course 1 5 miles S. by W. along the foot of the mountain, the road hilly & in places stony. We mistook our road or we would have been out in the plain^^ Some Indians quite naked came to the camp in the evening and received some trifles as presents, they were not the least alarmed or shy but appear afraid of the dogs & horses. Some of the people visited their little huts the women had all fled, but the men im- mediately offered their visitors food. The hunters were again out but with- out success, though there were a good many tracks of Deer.

Thursday zj- Fine weather. Continued our journey 7 miles S.W.

down the creek, the road good as we descend the wood principally oak^^ is becoming clear. The hunters were out & killed four chivereau, viz: Favel, T. Tevatcon, Smith, & Peevish each one. Some of the people were out with their traps but set very few there are some marks of beaver close by the camp. The hunters missed 3 grizle bears.

Friday 16 Fine weather. Continued our route down the [river] to

where it joins a large fork, Cano river*^^. The road good. The hunters out a few traps were set and 1 5 Deer & i Elk killed animals are pretty numerous. Two beaver were taken.

Saturday 77 Fine weather. Did not raise camp in order that the

people might kill a few deer and also to allow our horses to repose and feed a little. Deer & elk killed. All hands are living well these two days and they are in much need of it as we have been a long time with very little of any thing fresh, indeed many of the people have very little of any thing. Four beaver were taken. Beaver are scarce here & they are very lean.

Sunday 18 Fine weather. Raised camp and proceeded 8 miles S.

down the creek to near its junction with the big river^^. The road good. The