Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/230

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Smith who was in the Rocky Mountains as early as 1826. "Pegleg's" first name was Thomas and he claimed to have worked for the Hudson's Bay Company and to have come to California at an early date.

Mess No. 2

/. Cornoyer-]os^^\\ Cornoyer. H. B. C. List, No. 621; Oregon 7/2 J^jt:, p. 152; West, op, cit., p. 207. This man may have been the Carney* or Coving of the 1831-32 expedition. See Lewis and Phillips, op. cit., p. 63. The sick list includes a wife and three children.

Bte. Dubruille—B^iptistQ Dubruille* (or Dubreuil). Oregon Index, p. 192; West, loc. cit.

J. Toupin—A hunter, probably the same as J. Toupe* of the 183 1 Snake expedition. Oregon Index, pp. 744-45; West, loc. cit. He was accompanied by a wife, three children, and an Indian, according to the sick list.

Bte. G ardipie— B2iptistQ Gardipie* (Gardipre, or Gadipre), a trapper. Oregon Index, p. 250. In 1846 Gardipre acted as guide for two emigrant parties. Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of Oregon (San Francisco, 1886), I, 564.

Peevish— Possibly Pevish, or Perish. The Pinet* listed by Lewis and Phil- lips may be the same person. No initial is given.

Mess No. 5

M. Laferte—Michd Laferte* (or LaForte, Lefort, Lafont, etc.), a trapper. One record gives his name as Michael Lafferty! Oregon Index, p. 380; West, loc. cit. He was accompanied by a wife, three children, and an Indian, ac- cording to the sick list.

P. Gilbeau— This name may be Gilbain, Gilbran, or Guilbeau. Lewis and Phillips list a P. GrelL* His wife, child, and Indian are included in the sick list.

C. Groslui— Possibly Grosbin*, Graslin, or Garlin. He died on September 17, 1833, leaving a widow and six children.

L.Pichette— Louis Pichette* (sometimes called Dupre). H. B. C. List, No. 1253, 1823-24; Oregon Index, p. 570. His wife, child, and an Indian are included in the sick list. Either the child or the Indian was named Nicholas, probably the latter. "Louis Pichette left Canada in 18 17, with a company of 25 trappers, and wintered on the plains, losing seven of the number, and arriving at Astoria in 1 8 1 8. Pichette roamed about in California and Oregon for twelve years in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company. In 1832 he settled on a farm in the Willamette Valley, where he resided for over 40 years. He died November 20, 1876, aged 78 years." Bancroft, op. cit., I, 74.