Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/59

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ankle has been the only dressing up to this time, McNealy— has nearly re- covered- Brown has anchylosis of the left arm, at the Elbow joint— and Crabb of the right Elbow and loss of power of movement, and numbness of the index finger of the right hand— the wounds have all healed— Osbornes [James A. Osbourne's] neck has got straight— and [John? or Amasa?] Palmer— has numbness and some pain about the right hip from his wound- Col Cook arrived with his battalion of Mormons at the Mission of San Diego— Jany 29—1847— Gen^ Kearny, with Capt Turner and Lt Warner sailed for the north— on the Sloop Cyane on the 3 ist of Jany— We are all getting along here very agreeably. Cook has marched with his men to the Mission of San Luis Rey— where he will remain— I am now in charge of Hospital with our wounded it not being considered safe to remove Streeter— The Sloop Portsmouth sails to day for the coast of Mexico— Emory went as bearer of despatches from General Kearny— to the US— via Panama— in the brig Maleckadel [Malek Adhel]^^»

zy^h Febry. I still remain at San Diego— in charge of the Hospital— having only two sick dragoons Streeter and Child— Streeter has continued to im- prove—not rapidly however— his strength is much increased— appetite good —and not so much emaciated— the wound on the sacrum presents a healthy aspect— but does not heal fast in consequence of his being obliged to lay on his back— occasionelly— particularly when he has a passage— after being constipated for several days— he suffers greatly from twitchings in and around the wound— for the last few days the surface of the sore has been smooth, and no speculae of bone presented— The abcess in the side and back continues to discharge freely— an old cicatrix— near the spine— opened— and discharged freely— a few days since— his breathing is not affected— in what- ever position he may assume, there are two or three little gatherings under the arm in the axilla— presenting much the appearance of bladders— these do not pain but have to be carefully washed, as they are apt to excoriate— the Sacrum & hip both excoriated— curing under the effects of Emplast Sap- onis^^^— to procure sleep it is still necessary to continue the Morphine and Acid Aromat— his diet is of the most nourishing quality & he has brandy, wine, & milk punch ad lib. Dressings to sacrum slightly stimulating- band [a] ge— cleanliness alone to abscess— Child upon the whole is better— The wound has closed— it discharged several pieces of bone from the heel— and some small pieces could be felt when the wound closed— The inflamed part is entirely confined around the internal Malleolus— two small abcesses have burst just below this point— and two days since I made free incisions near this point— but nothing of the ball could be discovered— the pain and inflammation is entirely confined to a small place around the internal Malle- olus No appearance of swelling or pain at any other point— he cant move his ankle without causing pain— and hobbles about on his crutch— A man