Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/6

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California Historical Society Quarterly


Lowell E. Hardy

Associate Editors

Allen L. Chickering

Francis P. Farquhar

Dorothy H. Huggins

Dorothy H. Huggins

Adele Ogden

Harold F. Taggart

Contents for March 1943
No. 1.

Steam Navigation on the Colorado River 1

By Francis Hale Leavitt

Afterword on Colonel Edward Dickinson Baker 26

By Milton H. Shutes

California Copyrights 1851-1856 27 With Notes on Certain Ghost Books

By Edith Margaret Coulter

A Doctor Comes to California (Concluded). 41 The Diary of John S. Griffin, Assistant Surgeon with Kearny's Dragoons, 1846-47

Edited by George Walcott Ames, Jr.

The Diary of a "Used-up" Miner, Jacob Henry Bachman 67

Edited by Jeanne Skinner Van Nostrand

News of the Society

Meetings 84
Gifts Received by the Society 87
New Members 89
In Memoriam 91

Marginalia 94

California Historical Society Quarterly is published in March, June, September, and December from the rooms of the Society at 456 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California and distributed to members only. Extra copies and back numbers may be purchased by members at $2.00 per copy (plus 64 sales tax in California), with the exception of certain numbers which are very scarce or out of print. The Quarterly is entered as second-class matter at the Post Office, San Francisco, California. The entire contents are copyrighted, 1943, by the California Historical Society. The Society does not assume responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by contributors. All correspondence should be addressed to the Society.