Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/65

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it is said he will not go for several days. A Vessel came into port from the North this morning— believed to be the Julia— though not certainly known yet— Streeter has improved rapidly since I last noticed his case— his cough has ceased in a great measure little or no pain on the back— abscess healed up & I believe solid & well Wound on sacrum nearly healed Child has also improved—

23^^ April— Last night an express arrived from the Puebla de los Angeles— and went aboard the Congress immediately— Report says there is a duel on the tapis between Co^ Mason & Fremont— the latter challenged Mason— who accepted. The affair was to have come off at the Puebla but for some cause, was postponed until the arrival of the parties at Monterey; the weapons chosen double barrell shot guns;^^* no other news—

25 April— This evening another express arrived from the Puebla— and went immediately aboard, what the contents of the despatches were I have not learned— a report reached here from the Puebla that 1 500 Mexicans were marching on us— and the commanding officer directed to be vigilent— and also that munitions of war had been landed some place or other— from all I can learn from the Puebla there seems to be some doubt whether Fremont ever gave Santiego Arguello the orders— spoken of by me in a letter to Dr Sanderson. S wrote me that when called on by Mason to know whether or not he had issued orders to Santiego, that Fremont denied having done so, as Commander of the California Battalion— The following is a true copy- word for word of the order. Lt Maddox^^^ of the Marine Corps has a certi- fied copy—

Cuidad de los Angeles— 18 March 1847. Sir,

You are hereby ordered to take especial care of all the public arms, & muni- tions of war including artillery &c &c for which I am liable & turn them over to no Corps without my especial order, or the order of some authorized acting under me.—

Very Respectfully To Capt Don Yr Obdt Servt

Santiego Arguello (Signed) J. C. Fremont.

Calif. Battln.


Cuidad de los Angeles. 18 March 1847.

You are hereby ordered at your most convenient opportunity and with as little delay as possible to collect all the horses belonging to government—