Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/69

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worse— had rested but little during the night— Inflammation and some dis- coloration around the right eye— Delirium— tongue not coated nor has it been— I^ ol Ricini §j^^^— Apply blister to back of neck— The inflammation of Eye continued to increase rapidly— and the discoloration spread over the temple and part of the forehead, The swelling of the Eye about 2 PM— was enormous and looked as if it would burst— The Tunics much injected, and the pupil apparently perfectly insensible— at least it did not contract or dilate At first an Emolient poultice applied— but could not be retained in consequence of his picking at it— as in fact he was constantly doing at the bed clothing Stimulating Enemas given blisters to Extremities &c— without the slightest effect (when the Inflammation of Eye was first noticed cups applied to the Temple)— At bed time X Grs Calomel given— he rapidly got worse About 3 PM— his Extremities commenced getting cold, his pulse being much depressed— Delirium— breathing with difficulty— and he finally expired about 3AM this morning— he was comatose several hours before death— and could not be roused sufficiently at any time during the day, so as to give a rational answer to any question. Post Mortem, The Brain was care- fuly examined about 10 hours after death The veins of the Dura Mater much distended with blood, the ventricles full of a Bloody serum, and a deposite on the arachnoid resembling coagulable lymph— This could not be removed with a sponge and water- June 5*^ 1847. 1 left San Diego May 1 3 1847, by order of Lt Co^ Cooke— and arrived in the Puebla de los Angeles, in two days and a half. The next day went to duty. Gen^ Kearny left the day before I arrived— for San Pedro where he would embark on one of the U.S. Vessels for Monterey— from thence he would go to the United States as soon as practicable— I was informed of the pleasant news that I might expect to make California my home for some time to come— That is to say if the Californians will allow us to do so— and I think they are great fools if they do— for in a short time our force will be much reduced by the Mormon Battalion being disbanded— and then we leave some points where there is plenty of cannon, San Diego for instance so guarded —that it only invites attack. I found much sickness in the command, and a great disposition on the part of the men of Co^ Stevensons Regiment to shirk work. They are all engaged in building a fort on the hill and this digging goes decidedly against the Stomachs of these valiant volunteers of the 7^^ N. Y. R. V. The fact is they are the poorest material for Soldiers I have ever seen— broken down gentlemen, infirm tradesmen &c &c at least it is so with the two Companies E. & G. stationed here.

On the Morning of the 4*^ of June I was requested to see an old Man at the House of Mr Prior [Nathaniel Miguel Pryor], near this place. The old man had been bitten in several places by a dog on the 2 3 of March last— All the wounds— (which were very severe) had healed up with the exception of one through the right hand— this had continued to discharge but slightly— occa-