Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/80

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stored it with Messrs. Simmons Hutchinson & Co they paying the four dol- lars commenced working for them (toting lumber rolling barrels and all sorts of the most laborious kinds of work at six dollars pr day, they allowing me the privilege of sleeping in the store House — Slight rain Wednesday 28 A full days work pays my board and a little over

Sunday [December] 2nd A day of rest thank God. no work no rain so I have an opportunity of ascending the hills and viewing the beautifull bay Monday 3D Heavy rain all day worked in the Store House Tuesday 4th Clear and cold — the hills on the oposite side of the bay cov- ered with snow — in the evening and all night quite ill and shivering with cold

Thursday 13th. Mr [Henry C] Mallory^^ and several of the men arrive having come by sea from San Pedro (Mr. Audubon^^ left them at Los Angeles and continued on by land with the remainder of the men

Monday 17th Was told at the Store House that they could give me no work this week in consequence of the continued rains

Friday 21st Mr Audubon and [Robert L.] Browning^^ arrived from Stockton leaving the rest of the company encamped about four miles from the town

Monday 24th Early in the morning a fire broke out in a gambling house on the Square which nearly swept the block — Another days work and five dollars earned

Saturday 29th Left San Francisco on board the Steamer Capt Sutter pro- ceeded up the river and arrived at Stockton 120 miles Sunday morning remained there until

Monday 3 1 st Our mules were driven down from French Camp, — packed part of our baggage and provisions and went ahead through mud and water knee deep arriving at camp (about five miles from Stockton) late in the evening

Saturday [February] 3 [ 1 850] Left the Chinese Diggings in the afternoon for Murphey's diggings about thirty five miles distant — (all walking that is fourteen of us the rest having been left behind to hunt up the missing mules eleven in number) made about ten miles over a pretty good road (passing Woods's diggings) and camp on pretty good ground — warm day and cold night

Sunday 4th Off early made some four or five miles to the Ferry crossed the Stanislaus river a deep clear stream about fifty or sixty yards wide, then over high hills for some two or three miles. camped on a little stream among Oak and pine timber

McLanes [McLean's] ^^

Monday 5th Remaine in camp while Mr Audubon and several others go out (prospecting) that is looking for ravines containing gold