Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/88

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June 4th Received a visit from my old messmate and friend Hudson

Thursday July 22 [1852]. Lee and myself, having previously entered into partnership commenced prospecting

25th Bought a mule with the intention of joining a party to prospect the North Branch of the Mokalume

Prospected back of Bear Mountain then (in August) with John Grins up as far as Independence Flatt and Spruce Gulch^^ on the South Fork of the Mokulmne — could find nothing that would pay so we disolved.

Augt. 30th Took Stage to Hudson & Co. Ranch near Stockton remained until Sept 5th returned home on the Calavaries

Sept. 1852 Myself and Barny Loomis looking around for a piece of ground to settle down upon cant find one Barney returns to Eldorado I continue the search and find one that I think will do (about four miles South of Foremans Ranch)

Sept. 2oth Go to El Dorado to see Barney we form a partnership

Tuesday 21st Ride over to the Ranch and take possession

Wednesday 22 Move over and camp there commence cutting timber for house & COrrals

Monday 27th Purchase a Waggon and three and a half yoke of Oxen for five hundred and fifty dollars

Oct. 1 8th With Spaff ord to Hudsons Ranch purchase Barley go to Stockton for Farming utensils &c and return on Saturday 2 3D

Saturday evening, Novr 6th Moved into our house although unfinished there has been a little rain within the last two weeks

Saturday 27th Commenced ploughing

Oct 25th [1853] Very light frost the first this Season — Gardening has been very unprofitable, so far — Last Wednesday night (19th) sat perched up in a tree all night waiting for a Bear to come underneath to be shot (he would not come) As I was returning home in the morning thinking of anything but Grizzlys, One chased me up a tree and then left before I could get a shot at him

Saturday 29th Commenced building a Bear trap — Any number of Griz- zlys in the Valley

November 12th Saturday Night Robt. Soule and myself went to sit up in

a tree and shoot Bear. Saw three coming down upon us and were obliged to

take a diflFerent tree from the one we had selected — put some three balls into

the old one but the distance was too far and our aim uncertain by moonlight.

they all ran away — also caught one in our trap and he ate out —

Saturday 19th Found a real Grizly in our trap this morning of good size — and forthwith put a couple of ounce balls (from my little shot gun in his head) he never moved after