Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/90

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Flatt, cutting through the ridge and getting it down to grade

Oct 6th Commenced raining last night and continued nearly all day, the first of any consequence this fall

Oct 7th & 8th Rain nearly all day and night

Oct 9th Cleared up last night — Some twelve or fifteen sluice heads in the creek

Oct 23 and 24th Worked on my two Quartz Claims

Jany 29th [1858] My old friend G F Van Buren*^ started for San Fran- cisco to take the Steamer of the 5th Feby. for New York

Feby 8th Hired two Chinamen and commenced washing in my fluming claim

Novr 2ed Fluming claim wont pay me for working — Sold it to a company of Chinamen for Four hundred dollars

Jany i8th 1859 Sold the Comstock & Cole claims ** and Cabin (purchased by me last summer) — for Three hundred dollars

In the latter part of December of 1 859 had another attack of my old com- plaint — Inflamatory Rheumatism — and was carried down to the hotel — kept by Mr Reddick*^ — through whose kind attention I was enabled to get around in the course of a couple of months, but was not able to work until the latter part of the Spring of i860

Jany ist 1861 Since I recommenced mining in the Fall of 1855 I have been losing money all the time untill now I am nearly "dead broke"

May nth [ 1 862 ] Yesterday and the day before hard and very cold rain — Snow on the mountains near — last night a very heavy frost

The highest floods since I have been in California occurred last winter, bridges, flumes & dams nearly all washed away

July ist 1872 Still at the old place Fourth Crossing, Calaveras Co and to day commenced my first term as Justice of the Peace, San Andreas Town- ship

Jany ist 1874 Commenced second term.

Jany ist 1876 Commenced third term of Justice of the Peace of San Andreas Township, Calaveras Co Cal

Jany ist 1878 Finished my third term of Justice of the Peace, having served six years and declined to serve longer as it dont pay


1. Jeanne Skinner Van Nostrand, "Audubon's lU-Fated Western Journey," this Quarterly, XXI (December 1942), 289-310. The diaries kept by Jacob H. Bachman are in the possession of Hon. J. A. Smith, of San Andreas, who has kindly permitted their publication.

2. Stockton Record, July 9, 1932.

3. C. L. Bachman, John Bachman, the Pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, (Charles- ton, S. C, 1888), pp. 2-19.