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amono; the first to communicate the fact to him. When asked by the outraged father why he did not eat the hides and bullock, he coolly replied that he preferred human flesh as being more palatable and containing more nutriment."

Fellen and his party, the last to visit the place for purposes of relief, did not reach the camp until the 1 7th of April. As narrated by Bryant, they found Kiesburo; "reclinino; on the floor of the cabin, smokinsj his pipe. Near his head a fire was blazing, upon which was a camp-kettle filled with human flesh. His feet were resting upon skulls and dislocated limbs de- nuded of their flesh. A bucket partly filled with blood was near, and pieces of human flesh, fresh and bloody, were strewn around. The appearance of Kiesburg; was hatro-ard and revoltino;. His beard was of great length ; his finger-nails had grown out until they resembled the claws of beasts. He was ragged and filthy, and the expression of his countenance was ferocious. He stated that the Donners were both dead."

Accused of having murdered Mrs Donner for her money, he denied it, until Fellen put a rope round his neck and threatened to hang him, when he pro- duced some of the valuables of the Donners, and five hundred dollars in money. Fellen, in his journal, under date of April 20th, says of Kiesburg, the last of the emigrants to leave this place of abomination, "they hurried him away, but before leaving he gath- ered together the bones, and heaped them all in a box he used for the purpose, blessed them and the cabin, and said, *I hope God will forgive me for what I have done ; I couldn't help it, and I hope I may get to heaven yet. We asked Kiesburg why he did not use the meat of the bullock and horse instead of hu- man flesh. He replied he had not seen them. We tlien told him we knew better, and asked him why the meat in the chair had not been consumed. He said, '0, its too drv eatlnor; the liver and lig