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their hate, and manifest no more dehcacy in disclosing their mutual infelicities. Home-sickness, oftener felt than spoken, sometimes overtakes unfledged wanderers. On this voyage, just as we were passing the Bahama islands, one man was so overcome that he could not repress his tears as he begged the captain to put him on board the first returning ship. " I acted hastily," he cried, " I did wrono; in leaving; wife and children. But I will make amends ; let me return and work for them till I die." In time, this man, who was a poor me- chanic, became reconciled ; but I could not help think- ing how many hearts had throbbed well-nigh to bursting with secret regrets.

The fifth day out was Sunday, when the Episcopal service was read by the purser. Sabbath is never Sabbath again after spendnig one on a California steamer. The sacred charm is broken, the hallowed influence of the day forever gone, placed among the things that were, only to be called up in the memory, and pondered over, and wondered at. Here Sunday is much like other days ; there is little to remind one of the deep celestial quiet of the home Sabbath.

There was a little less card-playing and novel read- ing ; now and then a bible or a prayer-book might be seen, and sacred hymns supplied the place of negro melodies. But home pictures would appear painted on the imagination deeper and stronger than on other days. Evening songs fell on hearts tuned to the old familiar strains, sending tears to the eyes of many a listener. Many there were in body rocked on the Atlantic that in spirit were back by the old fireside. The loud laugh fell on the ear, but the heart heard only the chiming of the village bells; the merry jest went round, but ere it fell it turned to a precept pro- nounced by the familiar voice from the old church pulpit ; the rippling of water was but the murmurs of mother and brother talking of the absent one. Con- science draws fine lines sometimes ; there was one man who would not take a hand at cards because it was