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US from alternate sun and rain — our baggage stowed, and we have settled into as comfortable positions r.s our cargo will permit. One glance at the j angling- crowd upon the bank, and we are off. After all there is something touching in the scene. The steamer we had an idea would bring character to the surface ; but now we find we knew little of our neio-hbors before they stepped ashore, and assumed their respective parts for the Isthmus extravaganza. The burly man and loud talker, that we imagine mig-ht brave boatmen or boa constrictors, now puffs and sweats about the outer edge of a knob of determined actors, among whom the little quiet boyish-looking fellow, with short, slight frame, small hand, and delicate features, assumes au- thority as by appointment. In such an emergency mind and resolute daring, of their own inherent vir- tue, form a nucleus round which grosser substance gravitates. Then what a history they have, every one of them. In their outre guise, with all their inor- dinate desires and liberated propensities, their fretful fault-findings, stupid misunderstandings, and morbid restlessness, there is an air of stormy grandeur about them. They are heroes and martyrs, in their way. Have they not left quiet peace for troubled wander- ings, abandoned loving; hearts for loneliness  ? Have they not for sweet charity's sake blinded their eyes to the rosy smiles of children, stopped their ears to the passionate sobs of wife and mother and sister, steeled their affections against home and its sanctifying mem- ories, and cast themselves adrift, aye, plunged their souls into a gehenna of hi quietude and stinging battle?

Two or four or six shining, black, thick-limbed and muscular negroes, uniting with the African wooly hair, and protruding lips, a Moorish aquiline nose, or as many lighter colored, and lighter limbed natives, propelled the boats up the stream by means of poles, at an average speed of a mile an hour. Taking their stand upon the broadened edges of the canoe on either