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after, we were in tribulation about our baggage, which the packers failed to deliver as they had prom- ised. Gradually the truth dawned upon us that this was one of the tricks of the trade ; and when after waitino; a week, and considerino; the distance from Gorgona was only twenty-five miles, which could be easily made in a day and a night, when we and many others were obliged to go forward without our bag- gage, we were satisfied, as we afterward learned to be the truth, that Ave had been systematically swindled. The fact was that civilization, under the impulse of the gold-fever, had so tinctured this Isthmian wilderness as to have overturned the influence of the simple- minded savage, thus giving up travellers to men more rapacious than beasts, which will not prey upon their kind. At Chagres and on the river, transportation had been left mainly to Creoles and natives, as the occupation was too hazardous to health for the shrewd northerners to undertake it ; but Gor- gona a,nd Panamd, were comparatively healthy, and here sharpers might take their stand and levy toll. The native and mongrel races were not bad enough nor bold enough for the situation. These could prac- tise extortion on a small scale, but the cocking of a pistol or the flash of a knife-blade usually brought reparation. Here indeed was a field for nobler talent. Hitherto, and for the last three centuries, dark- skinned carriers had been content to appropriate only a part of the effects committed to their care, and col- lect freight on the portion delivered ; but for the double- edged son of a higfher order of culture and broader views such dealintrs were too tame. So he instituted a reform, weighed baggage at Gorgona or Cruces, and collected the freight in advance, ten or fifteen cents a pound to Panama, then he could deliver such portions as policy dictated, and keep the remainder having secured the freight on it in advance in case it should prove not worth the transportation. This system I afterward learned from sources unquestiona-