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themselves up to the sweet entanglements of a new mistress.

What is the strongest force in nature  ? Desire. It underlies all activities and is the sum of all forces. Man desires food and raiment, companionship, audten thousand gratifications which money will buy. Some desire knowledge, some fame, and all spend their time in what is called the pursuit of happiness. Entering upon the blinder forces of nature, w^e find attrac- tion pulling one way and repulsion another way; the inconstant wind hurrying in this direction or that ; water rising and floating ofl" in clouds, then falling and seeking the sea  ! the great golden sun keeping in mo- tion illimitable life and transformation. What is the key note of desire  ? Dissatisfaction. With all wants satisfied there would be no desire ; without desire there would be no change ; without change no progress ; and without progress it were a dead universe.