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sence and return both alike will be forgotten. Some- thing tells me I shall see them.

" Will Barry I shall see ; my old playmate, school- mate, Will, Jidus Achates. Will is married now, and he will talk to me of wife and little ones, as he would talk of an extra head, or arm, or leg. Wife and little ones  ! I wonder if Will has changed. Merry meet- ings and suppers; bright eyes, winning smiles, and soul-swelling music 1 Shall I meet one nearer still than sister or mother ; one who, laying her head upon my breast, and tightly clasping me around shall make me swear to wander no more ; who breathintr rest into my soul, opens my eyes to beauties hitherto ob- scure, opens to my longings a passage outward and up- ward, and who fills the measure of my desires with her own satisfying self — lives she, and for me  ? "

Millions and millions of such floatinoj thoug-hts hover ever round the brain of the waiting, working one, nerving the arm and sustaining existence itself, filling the dark shaft with bright images, furnishing stuff for dreams.

I never thought I should fancy the occupation of a pawn-broker, and yet I cannot see what there is about it that should necessarily render shop and shopman so obnoxious to Christian nostrils. It is said that their ox-eyed, hook - nosed and ugly-mouthed proprietors make their money through the necessities of the un- fortunate and poor. Granted, but who does not? Would you on that account close the corner grocery and the bakery  ? Does not your banker acquire a pledge from his wearisome client before he deals out to him the ducats? Curse them for grinding the poor  ! Curse, then, all the world. Curse fathers for feeding their children bread earned by the sweat of hirelings  ; curse mothers for pointing the finger of scorn to those pitiable wretches whose very existence is contamination to their untempted daughters. Is your purse-proud capitalist who would see a poor