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price of wives in the market, and how much it would cost to people Zion at current rates ; thinking of the temple to the living God which he was to rear in the wilderness; thinking of anything except lucre, and the price of tea. " Ten chests with the privilege," began Gillespie. " I will sell not less than ten chests, the purchaser to have the privilege of taking as much more at the price sold as he pleases." Around the open boxes merchants were blowing and crushing, and smelling and tasting; Sam sat serene. "And how much am I offered? " Gillespie went on. " Thirty- five cents, thirty-five ; forty  ; and five ; fifty ; fifty-five cents I am offered ; sixty. Are you all done gentle- men ? Sixty cents, going ; sixty cents, once ; sixty cents, twice ; third and last time — " " Sixty-one  ! " came from the top of the box. " Sixty-one, sixty-one cents, and sold. How much will you take Mr Bran- nan?" Now there was tea enough in that ship to give every grocer in town a good stock, and the bid- ders present had all so reckoned, and had deemed it folly running it up to a high price when they could just as well buy it low. The tea was then worth in the market one dollar and a quarter, or two dollars and a half, or five dollars, according as it was held and controlled. Brannan was the heaviest buyer there; he might take fifty chests out of the five hundred. So they reasoned, and were content that Sam, the ravenous, should first satisfy himself Imagine, there- fore their chagrin as in answer to the auctioneer's question, "How much will you take Mr Brannan," they heard come from the top of the box, where the eyes were still bent on the continued whittling, in notes like the snarl of a coyote, "The whole damned concern."

The prices of provisions were exceedingly unsteady, and those accustomed early in the morning to enter the markets with their baskets on their arms, for few delivered what they sold in those days, soon learned not to be surprised at anything in the way