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yond the town, followed by a concourse of eager ex- pectants. Arrived on the spot, after certain incanta- tory preliminaries which would have put to blush a Kadiak Shaman, he began to grope about as if in darkness, then suddenly starting up he struck out a zigzag course as if following a vein. Round the spur of the hill and down the opposite slope, over claims and through gardens the talisman-directed Texan went, while the crowd rushed for pick and shovel with which to mark out the line and unearth the treasure. Down they went, digging with a will, five, ten, fifteen feet, and no vein was struck. Deeper said the sage, and a crevice twenty-five feet in depth, which let the sunlight strike subterranean waters, was opened without result. A sense of swindle began to steal over those diggers and they went for the Texan goldometer man. But the end was not yet. Select- ing one from their number he seated him on an empty whiskey keg, and began to mesmerize him and breathe into him the spirit of prophecy. Shortly the spirit- ualized miner began to talk, and he informed his eager listeners that gold was surely there, but that it lay ten feet deeper than they had yet dug. Satisfied by this voice from another world, they continued their work, but now with much greater difficulty, for besides be- ing obliged to hoist their dirt thtjy must pump out the water which constantly flowed in upon them, so that before they had reached the required depth the Texan had ample time to make his escape.

It was in the winter of 1849-50. Two men whose claims had yielded, every working-day during the winter not less than $140, and from that to $320, abandoned it early in the spring in order to hunt for something better. After a dangerous and fatiguing tramp over the yet covered snow-ridges, spending sev- eral months turninof the channel of a stream which yielded nothing, they turned their faces backward and entered the nearest mining camp, without a dollar, and with nothing that would bu}^ bread, unless it was a