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with rows of bunks, the rest of the floors are pa.rti- tioned into double hues of cells, chiefly nine feet long by four wide, and eight high, opening on a central passage. The cells contain one to two bunks, a straw tick, two pairs of blankets and a bucket. Many are, besides, neatly furnished with tables, stools, toilet ar- ticles, and ornaments made or bought by the inmate.

The block also contains workshops of several sto- ries, one costing $130,000, and a number of offices; the whole having rather a patchy appearance owing to the irregular additions made at various times. In the centre is an open space cultivated as a flower gar- den, with a hewn stone fountain — an oasis in the desert.

A number of guards are on the watch against re- volt ; sentinels patrol upon the walls ; and the frown- ing muzzles of primed guns appear in different direc- tions. Upon the two parallel hills which enclose the narrow tract there are, besides, several stations or guard houses with grape-charged cannon. There are also situated the prison reservoirs, one of 250,000 gallons. A large brick yard borders on the bay.

Convicts are brought hither by country sheriffs; and to judge by the mileage allowed, the task must be rather attractive to the more distant officials. The new arrival is conducted to the turnkey's office to be measured, and to undergo a physical and moral ex- amination for fitness, for place, and identification in case of escape; whereupon he receives the striped uniform, and his hair is clipped very short.

A second and less agreeable initiation awaits him at the hands of the old residents, consisting of blanket-tossing, rail-riding, and other persecutions and indignities, regulated according to his tempera- ment. Those who take the fun in good humor are soon released and become favorites. But woe to him who shows obstinacy or cowardice  ; his sufferings are aggravated and prolonged in proportion ; complaints will not s