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10. Several volleys flash against them from the guns, but pass over their heads, so directed, no doubt, out of regard for the governor. The guard in pursuit are almost equally discriminating.

In this way the main body advances along the Corte de Madera road, toward Mount Tamalpais, plunderino; the houses in their way of everything portable, although not without expressing regrets at the unavoidable ne- cessity. Indeed, they are polite enough to leave the governor his watch, remarking that it would be too mean to commit detailed robbery after stealing his whole person. Their patience, however, is sorely tried by his corpulency, which is becoming an obstacle to progress, despite the frequent reminders applied to his body in the form of knife-prods. A wild, bare- backed pony is produced to accelerate his motion, but either the weight or earnest entreaties of the governor save him from the dreaded ride.

At four p. M, a slough is reached, and the panting hostage is compelled with the rest to wade chin-deep in the miry water. On gaining the high fence beyond, his slimy corpulency is found too heavy to be hoisted over, and is released. This act is suicidal, for the guards are no longer restrained by his presence, and resume firing with telling effect.

By this time the news of the outbreak has spread far and wide, and aware of the danger to life and prop- erty, every able-bodied man in the San Rafael district who can lay his hands upon a weapon and a horse musters for the chase. About 200 well-equipped men close in upon the gang. Being comparatively unarmed the convicts find resistance useless, and the affair be- comes a game of hide and seek. By twilight nearly the whole number is secured, and at eight p. m. the prison gate closes behind them.

Meanwhile a side-play has been performed on the bay. A party of a dozen fugitives or so, whose diluted Viking blood still tingles to the harp of Necken, have boarded the prison sloop Pike County. The hawsers