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guard. Soon the jingle of keys called to action; and as the captahi and his attendant entered they were stunned, one with a slungshot, the other with a bottle. Several more pounced in to deal the coup de grace, but merciful sentiments prevailing, they were thrown into a cell and locked up. The next moment the convicts were climbing the cell tiers, for the hole, to join their companions who had already broken through the ceilino: in the east buildino; and were tumbling; down upon the deputy warden. This startled func- tionary was awed into submission, but soon made his escape to securer quarters. The noise had caused no less consternation on the lower story, where Lieu- tenant-governor Denver was entertaining a party of ladies at dinner. Seizing a pistol he rushed out to meet the crowd as it came pouring down the stairs, led by ClilFord. The first shot almost crippled the leader, but the mass pressed onward, overpowering him, and making him the target of his own pistol. At this critical moment, Dead man, a life convict, who acted as servant to the officers, and had followed his master faithfully, seized a chair, and whirling it with savage fury stretched several convicts on the floor and pitched one over the balustrade. This act diverted attention and saved the life of the wounded governor ; but his heroic champion had also to succumb to num- bers, and fell senseless after demolishing another chair upon the assailants. Meanwhile the bleeding Clifford led on to the armory, wrenching open the lock with suspicious ease, and soon the firing announced that arms had been secured.

Believing the prisoners safe under lock and key, the guard had abandoned itself to the leisure of the Sab- bath, leaving no sentinel on the wall. As the prison- ers entered the guard-house, there were none to confront them except the guard Isaacs, who fearlessly took his stand in the vard with a six-shooter, firings in

throuo'h the windows and receiving^ the return fire

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without flinchmg. His right knee being shattered by