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a few weeks we became crowded, and it would no more pay, as my people made too many acquaintances. I broke up the camp and started on the march further south, and located my next camp on Sutter creek, and thought that I should there be alone. The work was going on well for awhile, until three or four travelling grog-shops surrounded me, at from one and a half to two miles distance from the camp; then of course, the gold was taken to these places, for drinking, gambling, etc., and then the following day they were sick and unable to work, and became deeper and more indebted to me, and particularly the Kanakas. I found that it was high time to quit this kind of business, and lose no more time and money. I therefore broke up the camp and returned to the fort, where I disbanded nearly all the people who had worked for me in the mountains digging gold. This whole expedition proved to be a heavy loss to me."

One Sunday in August 1850, in the town of Sonora, a person called Cave in conversation with a gambler named Mason, pointing to an Indian who was lounging about the street, offered to lay a wager that he could induce the native to rob or kill him. Mason accepted the offer. Cave then drew the native aside, told him that Mason had a large sum of money hidden ; told him where he should find it, and that if he would rob or kill Mason he should have half of it and no harm should befall him. Placing an unloaded pistol in his hand Cave urged him on to the consummation of the deed. Irresolute, bewildered, worked upon more by the exhortations of Cave than any desire to do wrong, the native hesitatingly entered Mason's house, looked around and came out without touching a thing. Mason was watching for him and as soon as he was fairly on the street again shot him dead.

For specimens of Indian warfare we must go north. The natives of California valley were a mild race, and when the miners shot them down the survivors