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mand in readiness to act promptly and efficiently for the protection of the settlers in the vicinity, should the conduct of the Indians make it necessary. At the same time a confidential order was issued to the commanding officer at Vancouver to place in effective condition for field service two companies of infantry at that post.

In the meantime the superintendent was pursuing his temporizing policy, advising the government to stultify itself by yielding to the demands of these Indians, and setting the example to other discontented bands, of which the warlike Snakes constituted several, to make similar requirements. His recommendations were met by counter advice from other persons interested in the proper settlement of the Indian question, and were not yet acted upon; while the encouragement thus held out to Jack's band to consider the Lost river country as their own, was doing its work in augmenting their stubbornness and insolence.

John Meacham, acting under instructions from the superintendent, sent Sconchin to find Jack and endeavor to obtain a conference. Sconchin carried a letter to a man named Fairchild, living on the road from Tule lake to Yreka, well known to the Indians, and influential among them. Fairchild and Schonchin, together, found and conversed with Jack, who would not agree to the proposition for a conference, and Sconchin returned to Camp Yainax.

In the early part of the summer of 1871, Jesse Applegate settled at Clear lake upon a tract of land owned by J. D. Carr, and lying partly m Oregon and partly in California, which was selected as a stock rancho from the swamp lands of the states, and of which Applegate was agent. On the settlement being made at Clear lake. Jack demanded of Applegate a stated allowance of Subsistence in consideration of having permission to settle in the country that he claimed, which demand was promptly refused, Apple-