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the Applegates, three or four settlers as witnesses, and three or four Klamath scouts, and found Jack awaiting him with thirty-nine fighting men, as on a previous occasion he had met Meacham. The council proved as little productive of satisfactory results as the former one.

When the order came from the commissioner through Superintendent Odeneal to inform the Modocs of the wish of the government that they should comply with their treaty obligations, Schonchin was employed to act as messenger and arrange for a conference. As before he required the agents of the government to come to him, and the rendezvous was appointed at the military camp at Juniper springs on Lost river. Dyar and Applegate, attended by the head men of the reservation Modocs, met Jack and his favorite warriors on the 14th of May, when every argument and inducement was held out to influence them to keep the treaty; but all to no purpose. Promises of ample protection, subsistence, and privileges were of no effect. The unalterable reply of Jack was ever to the effect that he should stay where he was, and would not molest settlers if they did not locate themselves on the west side of Lost river near the mouth, where he had his winter camp. The settlers he said were always lying about him and trying to make trouble; but his people were good people and would not frighten or kill anybody. He desired only peace, and was governed by the advice of the people of Yreka who knew and understood him.

At this conference Sconchin made a strong appeal to the Modocs, urging them to accept the benefits of the reservation, and pointing out the danger of resisting the efforts of the government to induce them to comply with the terms of the treaty. But all was in vain, and Jack as heretofore occupied his position of defiance to the (government.

As the commissioners were instructed, in case the Modocs refused to go upon the reservation, to select