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later robbed the place of $800, every article of value, and took seven horses besides. The body of Schira, which was not mutilated when she left it, before she saw it again was much mangled. After finding the body of her brother, Mrs Schira, with her mother, fled over the timbered ridge toward Crawley's, but while on the crest, happening to see the men gathered at that place, they mistook them for Indians, and turned toward the highest hills between them and Linkville, where they found snow lying, through which they travelled until late at night, when they sat down under a juniper tree to wait for daylight, by which time Mrs Schira's feet were so swollen that she could not wear her shoes. Tearing up part of her dress, Mrs Boddy bound up her daughter's feet, and they continued their flight, having eaten nothing since the previous morning. When near the bridge on Lost river, about half way to Linkville, they were met by Mr Cole, who conducted them to the bridge, from which place they were taken to Linkville in a wagon by Mr Roberts, where for the first time they heard of the affair of the day before, which had caused their terrible calamities. On the 2d of December Mrs Schira returned, with a party of four volunteers, in a wagon furnished by Mr Nourse, to look for her dead.

On arriving at Crawley's she found that Boutelle had that morning gone down with three men on the same errand, and when he returned had found three of the bodies, Schira, Boddy, and Richard Boddy. The younger brother was not found for twelve days, having fled, on being attacked, from the place where he was herding sheep, and where they expected to find him, into the thick woods, where he was overtaken and killed. The Boddy family were from Australia, and were industrious worthy people.

It did not appear that the party of Indians committed any further murders that day. On the following day they killed a number of persons about the border of Tule lake, and among others their good