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zens, with thirty-three Klamaths and friendly Modocs, returned to Tule lake and brought in all the dead except Miller, whose remains were found about Christmas, horribly mutilated; and the Younger Boddy, who was discovered two weeks earlier. On the way to Linkville to bury the dead, on the 5th, Applegate's brothers, who were in charge of the property that remained undestroyed, and of the expedition generally, met a party of fifteen volunteers under Captain Kelly, and learned that their father, L. Applegate, had started for Clear lake with seven men from Ashland. Fearing he might fall into danger with so small a force, they hastened back to camp that night, and joining Kelly's company went on to Brotherton's place with them on the morning of the 6th. When near the lake they could see about a mile away a party of eight, whether Indians or not they could not tell, and riding along the edge of the lake two white men, who they feared were all that was left of the Ashland party. Ivan Applegate rode forward, and found them to be two advanced guards of a company of cavalry from Camp Bidwell on its way to Crawley's. Taking Applegate, whose face was painted, for an Indian, the guards would not permit him to come near, but conversed with him at a distance until informed of their mistake. The party of eight, who were now known to be white men, and believed to be the Ashland party, also concealed themselves in the rocks on the approach of Kelly's party, nor would they come out until the soldiers went to them and explained that their friends wished to join them. It was then found that the party consisted of the seven Ashland men, under Jesse Applegate, his brother being unable to ride any farther. They were trying to save some of the property and stock belonging to ,the murdered men or their bereaved families.

Entering lower Klamath lake from the south is a small stream forking toward the west, the southern