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the rocky ridge near the springs on Lost river, twenty miles from that place, but were relieved and escorted to their destination by a scouting party. A supply train on its way from Fort Klamath to headquarters was also attacked, and a party of the escort wounded, being relieved in the same manner by the volunteers.

Applegate having transferred the case of Camp Yainax to Dyar, who with a guard of fifteen men proceeded to take charge, and watch over the friendly Modocs in case of a visit from the hostilos, hastened to join Green's forces at the front, where drilling and scouting continued to occupy the time. Green, who retained command of the troops, under Wheaton, was ordered to attack the Indians whenever, in his judgment, sufficient supplies and ammunition had been received, but not to attack until these had been furnished, and in the meantime to make frequent reconnoissances.

Green had never fought the Oregon Indians, and was confident that when his preparations were complete, he should achieve an easy victory. With the howitzers, and one snow storm, he said, he was ready to begin.

On the 5th of January, Captain Kelly of the volunteers, with a party of twelve men, and five Indian scouts, made a reconnoissance to look for a more practicable route than the one in use from Van Brimmer's. Green's headquarters, to the Modoc stronghold. On the way they came upon a party from Jack's camp of about twenty warriors, evidently upon a foraging expedition, who retreated toward camp on being discovered, and were pursued by the volunteers for three miles. When overtaken they had dismounted and fortified. The volunteers also dismounted, answering the fire from the rocks which soon brought to the rescue of the beseiged the remainder of Jack's warriors. The soldiers then retreated to an open field, followed by the Modocs, who, finding their position unfavorable for attack, returned to their stronghold.