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lake, consisting of his own and Captain Jackson's companies, and twenty regularly enlisted Klamath scouts under Dave Hill, had been ordered to move up to a point not more than two miles from the Modoc position, to be in readiness to attack at sunrise ; but proceeding in ignorance of the ground, he came so near to the stronghold that he was attacked and obliged to retreat with four men wounded.

The camp was early astir on the morning of the 17th. As the troops looked down from the high bluff upon the lava beds, the fog which overhung it resembled a quiet sea. They were to plunge down into this, and feel for the positions assigned them. Mason with the infantry occupied a position on the left of the line, resting on the lake, with Fairchilds sharpshooters flanking him; to the right of the infantry were the howitzers; in the centre General Wheaton and staff, Major General Miller and General Ross and staff; on the right of the generals captains Kelly and Applegate; and on the extreme right Captain Perry's troops, dismounted; Colonel Green in command of the whole. Descending the bluff" by the narrow trail, surprised at meeting no Modoc pickets, the troops gained their positions in the order given about seven o'clock. Hardly had the line formed when the Modocs opened fire. It had been the design of Wheaton to move out on the right until Green's command met Bernard's in front of the Modoc position, when three shots should be fired by the howitzers to announce a parley, when Captain Jack would be given an opportunity to surrender. But to carry out this programme, it was soon discovered, was impossible. The Modocs were not to be surrounded in their stronghold and asked to capitulate, but forced the troops to fight for every foot of ground on the way toward it.

On account of the density of the fog—which now was found to be an obstacle instead of a help to success in reaching the central cave, the Indians having